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KDone can manage files. To do that, 2 things are needed:

  • Specify a ResourceFile in the model
  • Configure an uploader in module configuration

First create a model

data class Game(
    val name: String,
    val players: Int?,
    val image: ResourceFile?): Identifiable()

Then in module configuration add an uploader

module<Game>("games") {
   uploder = fileUploader

In this case, fileUploader is a custom class that implements Uploader interface.
This interface has 2 methods

  1. suspend fun save(modelName: String, fileName: String, file: File, contentType: String): String?
    It is intended to add to the storage the uploaded file and it gets as input document’s model name, file name, actual File object and content-type. As return value, it should have the file string URL.
  2. suspend fun delete(url: String)
    It gets as input the file url and it is intended to delete that file from the storage.

S3 uploader

S3 is a popular file container and strage system, used in a large amount of backends.
In order to use that, KDone has a built-in S3 uploader.

module<Game>("games") {
   uploader = S3Uploader(
            baseFolder = S3.baseFolder,
            baseURL = S3.baseURL,
            bucketName = S3.bucketName,
            accessKey = S3.accessKey,
            secretKey = S3.secretKey,
            serviceEndpoint = S3.serviceEndpoint,
            signingRegion = S3.signingRegion

Local uploader

If it’s not necessary to save files in a storage system, KDone has localUploader function, which configures a specific folder that will contain uploaded files and a GET request to retrieve them.

module<Game>("games") {
   uploader = localUploader("files-folder")

Multipart request

File uploads are performed using POST and PATCH multipart requests.
A ResourceFile object has in its JSON the information about URL and content-type

"image": {
    "url": "",
    "mimeType": "image/jpeg"

Copyright © 2021 Dario Pellegrini