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KDone is a configurator that lets to implement RESTful API very easily. It is on top of Ktor framework and uses its core principles like functional programming and DSL.

Getting started


KDone can be installed using Gradle.

  1. Add jitpack to Gradle repositories.
  2. Import KDone dependency.


// 1
repositories {
// 2


// 1
repositories {
        maven { url '' }
// 2
implementation 'com.github.dariopellegrini:KDone:v0.6.11'


The simplest KDone configuration needs a model to represent the database’s data. It is suggested that this model inherits from Identifiable class, to have automatically managed MongoDB _id property.

data class Game(
    val name: String,
    val players: Int?): Identifiable()

Then using DSL the configuration of CRUD API is pretty straightforward.
In main, call startKDone function, passing as arguments the desired port, Mongo URL and a configuration for JWT with the secret used for the token signature.
Finally with DSL approach declare a module with a model class and its endpoint.

        port = 23146,
        mongoURL = "mongodb://localhost:27017/games",
        jwtConfig = JWTConfig(JWT.secret)) {



This configuration will give CRUD API at games endpoint

  • POST http://localhost:23146/games performs the creation of a new game
  • GET http://localhost:23146/games returns the list of all games
  • GET http://localhost:23146/games/:id returns the game with the specified id
  • PATCH http://localhost:23146/games/:id performs an update on the game with the specified id
  • DELETE http://localhost:23146/games/:id deletes the game with the specified id

Alternative starting methods

Instead that specify MongoDB URL in startKDone function, another way to start KDone is to use MongoDatabase instance from KMongo library. KDone uses KMongo as MongoDB driver.

val mongoDatabase = KMongo.createClient().getDatabase("database")
   port = System.getenv("PORT")?.toInt() ?: 23146,
   mongoDatabase = mongoDatabase,
   jwtConfig = JWTConfig(JWT.secret)) {

Since KDone uses Ktor, it is possible to start KDone inside a Ktor configuration through installKDone function.

embeddedServer(Netty, port) {
   installKDone(mongoURL, jwtConfig) {
}.start(wait = true)


KDone supports at the moment only MongoDB and JWT token authentication.

Copyright © 2021 Dario Pellegrini